Monday, December 9, 2013

Frost and the damages.

With the cold of winter upon us, frost becomes more common in the mornings. We had wide spread frost today, and it won't be lifting until at least 8:30. We call frost delays because of the damage that can be caused by carts and walking. The results of traffic on frosty grass is often not visible for up to 72 hours after the damage occurred. 
This is an example of the damage caused by driving on frosty grass. Frost is caused by dew freezing on the blade of grass. Since blades of grass are 90% water it also freezes and becomes very brittle. When the membrane of a blade of grass breaks, it's similar to an egg shell in that it can never be put completely back together. That is why it is crucial to be patient and wait for the frost to lift in order to resume normal operations to avoid unsightly damage to the playability of the golf course.