Thursday, July 31, 2014

Green speed

Our greens are turning the corner with some increase in speeds. We always stimp them in the morning right after mowing. This is always when the greens will be the fastest due to excessive growth throughout the day during our warm summer months. Earlier this month we were getting stimp readings around 9 feet. Last week was low 9's and this week they were stimped at precisely 8:00 a.m. rolling 9.6 feet. But just at 12p.m. they already had slowed down to 9.2 feet.

Monthly update

This list is the cultural practices that were implemented for the month of July. 1.Verticut- 11 times 2.Top dress- 2 times 3.Growth regulator- 2 times 4.Venting- 1 time 5. 13 times

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Our golfing members might have noticed some discoloration on holes 10-13. This is a fungus called rapid blight. Over the past weekend we had humid mornings that lead to hotter temps and by Monday the fungus showed itself. We applied a chemical that will subside the fungus and should be back to normal in a few weeks. Our greens were stimped at precisely 7:30 a.m. rolling 9.3 feet.

Thursday, July 17, 2014

green speed

Today the greens were stimped at precisely 7:30 a.m. rolling 9.2 feet.

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

More fairway updates

Yesterday we sprayed fertilizer as well as primo on our fairways. The reason why we have done this is the overall plant health, and better playing conditions with a more uniform turf. In fact this is our fourth time this summer applying and we will continue to apply until we get into the cooler months. This is all an attempt to create a dense canopy that will last us thru the winter months.

Friday, July 11, 2014

#6 fairway

We are following up on the condition of #6 fairway post fourth of July weekend. We hope that there were some conversations in regard to the aesthetic and playability for #6 fairway. Take a look at the pictures were the poa and rye grasses have now wilted. With that we have aerified, seeded, and top dressed all these areas with the intent to convert to an all warm season grass base throughout the year. Also the discoloration of the kikuyagrass has vanished with the aid of warm temps and an extra fertilizer application. Lastly our greens were stimped at approximately 11:00 a.m. rolling at a speed of 9.

Thursday, July 3, 2014

#6 fairway

We had posted a blog a few weeks back in regards to fairway conditions. As you can see there are a total of 4 pictures that prove that our revolver herbicide application to #6 fairway has taken effect. It has been a total of 9 days since the application and we did not see any visual results until Monday this week. Going forward there will be increased fertilizer applications to help strengthen the kikuyagrass as it does not do well with the application of spraying for rye and poa grasses. We hope that you all enjoy your holiday weekend!